Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Public warned by FDA about Do it Yourself Braces

Public warned by FDA about Do it Yourself Braces

Making yourself look good sometimes need to be expensive specially in sensitive part of our body. That's why it will be scary if it cost you cheap.

Today, Do-It-Yourself Brace kit is popular specially to teens who want to have a good look but can't afford getting braces from license dentist.

D.I.Y teeth straightening or gap closing rubber bands, dental floss and other objects can be easily ordered online! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public, it can be risky and dangerous that can lead to loss of permanent teeth or life long dental problems.

According to Article in Philippine Daily Inquirer “Moving teeth without a thorough examination of the overall health of teeth and gums can increase the risk of infection and (cause) serious damage to the teeth and gums, including (the) permanent loss of teeth,” said the advisory signed by Health Secretary Janette Garin, who is also the acting director general of the FDA.

The Aligning and straightening one’s teeth are medical procedures that need the personal supervision of an orthodontist and not by just anyone who learned from following DIY videos to avoid the risks of expensive and lifelong dental problems 

“Because of the risks involved, it would be beneficial for the public to be properly informed about the benefits and risks of any self-treatment situation such as do-it-yourself braces,” said the FDA advisory, according to said article.

A license medical practitioner, are the only who have knowledge, skill and experience to know what procedures are safe and which are risky. They are the one must seek information to know more about what to do. 

In the United States, this is hugely popular which prompted the merican Association of Orthodontists (AAO) to issue a warning against such self-help orthodontic care

source inquirer, kickerdaily

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